// 起始点是我们的子弹生成点(手),终点是目标点,获得Rotation FRotator ProjRotation = (TraceEnd - HandLocation).Rotation(); // 最终获得校正后的生成方位 FTransform SpawnTM = FTransform(ProjRotation, HandLocation); // 在世界中生成 GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(ProjectileClass, SpawnTM, SpawnPa...
const FVector ForwardDirection = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X); const FVector RightDirection = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::Y); AddMovementInput(ForwardDirection, MovementVector.Y); AddMovementInput(RightDirection, MovementVector.X); } } void ASCharacter::L...
19 - Control Rotation 04:51 20-VEC~1 06:55 21 - Get Forward Vector 06:14 22 - Importing Assets 10:39 23 - Geometry Brushes BSP 08:53 24 - Materials and Lighting 05:51 25 - Actor Components 06:09 26 - Collision Meshes 09:05 27 - Variables 07:48 28 - Booleans and Branches 05...
课程原链接:https://www.udemy.com/course/unrealcourse/ 后两部分的项目资源: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xXZf-qroQ7niBjF9QlwioA 提取码:hgnb Udemy上非常好的一套UE5教程,这个应该是B站唯一完整版了(29小时39分钟) 原价74.99美元,包含蓝图和C++的知识,会带你一起做5个游戏项目,复杂度递增 认真跟着学...
void ASurCharacter::MoveForward(float value) { FRotator ControlRot = GetControlRotation(); // 转向只关注水平Yaw方向,因此置0防止影响 ControlRot.Pitch = 0; ControlRot.Roll = 0; // 获取相机(鼠标控制器)的朝向,并朝这个方向移动 AddMovementInput(ControlRot.Vector(), value); } // 角色向右移动...
19 - Control Rotation 04:51 20-VEC~1 06:55 21 - Get Forward Vector 06:14 22 - Importing Assets 10:39 23 - Geometry Brushes BSP 08:53 24 - Materials and Lighting 05:51 25 - Actor Components 06:09 26 - Collision Meshes 09:05 27 - Variables 07:48 28 - Booleans and Branches 05...
19 - Control Rotation 04:51 20-VEC~1 06:55 21 - Get Forward Vector 06:14 22 - Importing Assets 10:39 23 - Geometry Brushes BSP 08:53 24 - Materials and Lighting 05:51 25 - Actor Components 06:09 26 - Collision Meshes 09:05 27 - Variables 07:48 28 - Booleans and Branches 05...