To FString const std::string cstr1(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(MyArr.GetData()), MyArr.Num()); FString MyStr(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(cstr1.c_str())); UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *MyStr); FString to enum 互转 enum ETestEnum { East, South, West, North, }; enum to ...
UE500015--SwitchOnString结点 04:42 UE500016--?IsValid 04:38 UE500017--ForEachLoop遍历数组 07:17 UE500018--Get(a copy)读取数组元素 01:56 UE500019--Get(a ref)读取数组元素 01:50 UE500020--SetArrayElem设置数组元素 01:02 UE500021--枚举(enum)的创建与简单应用 05:07 UE5000...
FString to int32 互转 FString to float 互转 FString to std::string 互转 FString to char* 互转 FString to TCHAR* 互转 FString to TArray<uint8> 互转 FString to enum 互转 TCHAR* to Char* 互转 TCHAR* to std::string TArray64<uint8> to TArray<uint8>...
in combat system, pass origin and target index to spawn spell animations call cast spell on right click when action is set to cast spells 注意事项 when you use enum to search row in datatable, firstly you should convert enum to string, then string to row name 本节效果图示 change click ...
save = save + SAVE_SPLITTER + to_string(GetLevel()); //StreamingSnake()->string, 蛇所占的格子, 蛇头位置与方向 //表示方式: 从蛇头开始到蛇尾方向,记录每个部位所在的网格. save = save + SAVE_SPLITTER + StreamingSnake(); //StreamingAppleList(...
enum EMaterialShadingModel 首先注册自定义着色模型的枚举值: MaterialShader.cpp \Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Materials\MaterialShader.cpp FString GetShadingModelString 然后在MaterialShader.cpp中定义 MSM_Toon 枚举的字符标识: HLSLMaterialTranslator.cpp ...
开关节点是对分支控制结构swich的模拟,不同类型的switch是指不同数据类型的开关:Int,String,Name,Enum; 当Int,String,Name开关节点被添加到蓝图时,都会只有一个Default引脚,可以自行移除; 对开关的编辑主要是添加、删除case; Branch 等同于if-else结构 DoN/DoOnce ...
uDraper是用来做布料模拟的插件。现在出现的问题是安装了 uDraper 之后无法编译 C++ 工程。经典报错就是: Expecting to find a type to be declaredina module rules named'Vitrum'inUE5Rules,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyTokentype defined by Unreal Build Tool ...
Currently, the Gridly Data Table supports synchronizing Boolean, Integer, Float, String and Enum types. You can now import/export data from UE5 to Gridly: Configuring Gridly All the settings for Gridly can be found in Edit -> Project Settings -> Plugins -> Gridly. They can also be found ...