IsLevelInitializedForActor(Actor, Connection)) { // If the level this actor belongs to isn't loaded on client, don't bother sending continue; } if (!IsActorRelevantToConnection(Actor, ConnectionViewers)) { // If not relevant (and we don't have a channel), skip continue; } } UNet...
Log, TEXT("Case APP_CMD_PAUSE"));//Ignore pause command for Oculus if the window hasn't been initialized to prevent halting initial load//if the headset is not activeif(!bHasWindow &&FAndroidMisc::IsStandaloneStereo
ACoherentUIGTInputActor is the input actor is responsible for capturing and forwarding mouse and keyboard input to the currently focused Coherent GT View. It must be spawned and initialized in the game world. SCoherentUIGTWidget is a slate widget capable of running Coherent GT. UCoheren...
If mods aren't working as expected, make sure you follow their install instructions properly, not based on "what worked before". This is due to UE4SS supporting a number of different mod types and the way they're installed can vary. Additional couple of notes for mod authors: We have no...
ObjectArchetype&&Class->GetClass()){ObjectArchetype=Class->GetDefaultObject();}}elseif(bIsCDO){// 对于CDO对象,确保我们不使用原型来为其初始化check(ObjectArchetype==nullptr);}boolbIsPostConstructInitDeferred=false;if(!FBlueprintSupport::IsDeferredCDOInitializationDisabled()){//确定指定的初始化器...
1)会判断Actors列表是否已经被初始化过了。if( !AreActorsInitialized() ),看来这个方法会被调用多次 2)没有被初始化的时候呢,有下面的代码,下面的则就是真正的初始化部分了。跟进去看一看 3)对每个Actor上的全部组件进行初始化。上图,但是注意此时Actor的BeginPlay还没有执行。还没到Actor的BeginPlay,还在下头 ...
This is a version of the mod loader and script injector UE4SS that is pre-configured to work with Ranch of Rivershine script mods.
Added`on_ui_init()`, it fires when the UI is initialized. It's intended to use the`UE4SS_ENABLE_IMGUI`macro in this function. Failing to do so will cause a crash when you try to render something with imgui. ###Experimental
TaskGraph(任务图)是UE4实现的一套异步任务并行处理系统。在定义任务的同时,可以指定任务的依赖关系,TaskGraph会按照编排好的依赖关系来运行任务。 任务开始运行前可以指定多个依赖的前置任务,只有前置任务运行结束,本任务才会开始运行。最终,所有任务依赖关系形成一
()is called once per frame with the amount of elapsed time since the last call passed in. There you can do any recurring logic. However if you do not need that functionality, it is best to remove it to save yourself a small amount of performance. If you remove it, make sure to ...