STATETREE_LOG(Warning, TEXT("%s: StateTree context is not initialized properly ('%s' using StateTree '%s')"), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(__FUNCTION__), *GetNameSafe(&Owner), *GetFullNameSafe(&StateTree)); return EStateTreeRunStatus::Failed; } // 如果实例数据无效,则初始化 if (!InstanceData.IsV...
{CSV_SCOPED_TIMING_STAT_EXCLUSIVE(StateTree_Tick);// 统计性能// 判断状态树是否合法if(!IsValid()) {// 输出警告信息STATETREE_LOG(Warning,TEXT("%s: StateTree context is not initialized properly ('%s' using StateTree '%s')"),ANSI_TO_TCHAR(__FUNCTION__), *GetNameSafe(&Owner), *GetFull...
LogClass: Error: FloatProperty FDamageTimes::Interval is not initialized properly. Module:DamageCaculator File:Public/DamageCaculatorComponent.h [2023.10.31-05.34.26:475][ 0]LogClass: Error: IntProperty FDamageTimes::DamageNumber is not initialized properly. Module:DamageCaculator File:Public/DamageCa...
LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: EnumProperty FCesiumFeatureIdSetDescription::Type is not initialized properly. Module:CesiumRuntime File:Public/CesiumFeaturesMetadataComponent.h LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: BoolProperty FCesiumFeatureIdSetDescription::bHasNullFeatureId is not initialized prope...
To use this UI Framework simply copy the content of theCore Folderinto your project. You will simply need to either use the CoreSystem provided or Make sure the MVVMSystem is initialized properly. For more examples, please refer to theGame Folder ...
UE4 Error:The game module ‘xxx’ could not be loaded. 如果项目启动时弹窗以下错误:1 The game module 'WebBrowserEx' could not be loaded. There may be an operating system error or the module may not be properly set up.造成这个问题的原因之一是这个模块中引用了外部的 Plugin,需要在这个模块的...
可以直接打开ActionRPG.uproject,然后把“SlateRemote”的Enabled改成false,重新编译即可 1.2 启动UnrealEditor的报错 现象: 启动UnrealEditor的报错: Plugin 'RuntimePhysXCooking' failed to load because module 'RuntimePhysXCooking' could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise con...
StateTree 是一种UE5中新增的通用分层状态机,其组合了行为树中的 选择器(Selectors) 与状态机中的 状态(States) 和 过渡(Transitions) 。用户可以创建...
IsDesignTime()) { LayerWidget->OnTransitioningChanged.AddUObject(this, &UPrimaryGameLayout::OnWidgetStackTransitioning); // TODO: Consider allowing a transition duration, we currently set it to 0, because if it's not 0, the // transition effect will cause focus to not transition properly to...
UE_LOG(LogInit, Display, TEXT("Game Engine Initialized.") );// for IsInitialized() bIsInitialized = true; }void UGameEngine::PreExit() { FAVIWriter* AVIWriter = FAVIWriter::GetInstance(); if (AVIWriter) { AVIWriter->Close();