*/virtualvoidOnArrangeChildren(constFGeometry& AllottedGeometry, FArrangedChildren& ArrangedChildren )constoverride =0;/** * A Panel's desired size in the space required to arrange of its children on the screen while respecting all of * the children's desired sizes and any layout-related option...
Border_RangeStart 的绘制为(Draw As)设为圆形盒体(RoundedBox),轮廓设置(Outline Settings)如下。 SizeBox_RangeInterval 的高度重载(Height Override)为 16,所需最小宽度(Min Desired Width)为 32。 SizeBox_RangeEnd 的水平对齐(Horizontal Alignment)设为右对齐,宽、高重载(Width Override、Height Override)都为 ...
Play Sound2D SoundClick_on_Button Branch Condition True False Reloading? Play Sound2D SoundClick_on_Button Branch Condition True False Shotgun Attached Bullets <= 5 Branch Condition True False Reloading? Delay Duration1.0 Completed Play Sound2D Sound SET Bullets Branch Condition True ...
The 2D user interface is an extremely basic UMG user interface. I’m assuming that’s throw-away, and you would build your own UI. Then again, if you wanted to do a very simple domain-specific modeling tool, like say a 3D sculpting tool for cleaning up medical scans, you might be ...
kept for filtering */ UClass* DesiredClass; /** Handle to the registered OnActorSpawned delegate*/ FDelegateHandle ActorSpawnedDelegateHandle; /** * Default ctor, inits everything */ FActorIteratorState(const UWorld* InWorld, const TSubclassOf<AActor> InClass) : CurrentWorld( InWorld ), In...