Changes in renal function, histology, EMT, and proteins related to the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)/Smad signaling pathway in the remnant kidneys were examined 8 weeks after surgery, compared with non-cell patch controls.The DKSs were acellular and porous, with rich cytokine and ...
a known target protein of UCHL126, upon cytokine stimulation. However, there was no obvious difference of p53 protein expression after UCHL1 inhibition (Fig.7e). Our previous study has demonstrated that the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 modulates caspase activation to inhibit MSC apoptosis...
The CD34⁺ cells were separated from UCB by magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) and divided into 4 groups cultured in StemPro(-34) SFM medium added with hematopoietic cytokine combination (StemSpan® CC100). The control group included only CD34⁺ cells as group A (blank control) and ...
it is safe to predict that MSCs therapy will be a potential treatment for diseases such as SARS and the current COVID-19, or novel coronavirus pneumonia, in which the damage caused by cytokine storms is hard to control.