Cytokine’s expression is regulated at the transcription level, translation level, and protein synthesis. The expression of cytokines also seems to be regulated differentially, depending on cell type and developmental age. Secretion or release from the producer cells is a regulated process. Once releas...
they attach to the binding receptors of another cell. The message that was carried via the cytokine is then processed by the receiving cell, and the required activities are carried out. The release of cytokines will directly impact the activities carried out by the receiving cell. They are cruc...
In this study, we used a model of CD34 + stem cell driven MNP differentiation using two different protocols. The first protocol (DLC protocol) involved differentiation of stem cells mainly driven by the macrophage differentiation factor GMCSF31 and the type 2 cytokine IL-4, resulting in den...
cytokine receptorscytokinesGuillainâBarré syndromeSeveral Campylobacter jejuni heat-stable (HS) serotypes have been associated with the autoimmune Guillain–Barré neurological syndrome (GBS). In order to examine the possible involvement of cytokines in this phenomenon, the levels of three...
Other types of immunotherapy boost the activity of your immune system in general. A more active immune system can better fight cancer. These drugs fall into a few classes: Interleukinsare a type of cytokine, a protein that some white blood cells make to control your immune system's response...
The lung is the most critical organ of the respiratory system supporting gas exchange. Constant interaction with the external environment makes the lung vulnerable to injury. Thus, a deeper understanding of cellular and molecular processes underlying lun
In the down-regulated protein comparison between Health-conscious and Omnivore groups, the KEGG pathway analysis initially revealed an association with Cytokine–cytokine receptor interaction. However, after applying the False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction, this pathway no longer remained statistically ...
Cancers are complex diseases orchestrated by a plethora of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Research spanning over several decades has provided better understanding of complex molecular interactions responsible for the multifaceted nature of cancer. Rece
Antibody responses are classified according to whether B cells receive help from T cells—that is, whether they are thymus-dependent (TD) responses or thymus-independent (TI) responses. The latter can be elicited by microbial ligands (TI type 1) or by ex
Control of cytokine mRNA degradation by the histone deacetylase inhibitor ITF2357 in rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes: beyond transcriptional regulation. Arthritis Res Ther. 2018;20(1):148. Article CAS Google Scholar Haghverdi L, et al. Batch effects in single-cell RNA-sequencing ...