The discus fish is one of the world’s most sought-after freshwater aquarium species and they are often referred to as the king of aquarium fish. These cichlids have been bred into a multitude of amazing colors and patterns. Some you can find at your local fish store, but others are rare...
Roseline sharks are sociable shoaling fish that should be housed in groups of at least six. Good tank mates for roseline sharks are other peaceful, active swimmers, likeyoyo loaches,kribensis cichlids,rosy barbs, anddanios. Silver Apollo Shark The silver apollo shark is a medium fish from the ...
long necks. These are large and active turtles that can hit shell lengths of 12 inches, so full-grown adults will need a large habitat with plenty of swimming space and a dry spot under a UVB lamp where they can warm up and bask. ...
CichlidsLake VictoriaSexual selectionSpeciationMale-male competitionThe possibility that disruptive sexual selection alone can cause sympatric speciation is currently a subject of much debate. The initial difficulty for new and rare ornament phenotypes to invade a population, and the stabilisation of the ...
North America is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including some of the largest animals in the world. From towering giraffes to massiveelephants, these animals are sure to impress. Here are five of the largest animals that can be found in North America: ...