"When Lake Mweru was formed it combined cichlid lineages from the Congo and the Zambezi. The cichlids from these different drainage systems then mated with each other. This could have been because when the lake formed, the water was very cloudy and they couldn't see colours properly so the ...
For one frog, the tank capacity should be a minimum of five gallons. If you want to keep more than one, thedwarf frog tankshould be larger. Moreover, if youbreed African dwarffrogs in the same tank where you keepbetta fish, you should house them in at least a 20-gallon tank. Rememb...
16] and primates [17–19] indicate a far more important role for SINEs in genome organization, gene evolution, and disease. For example, germ-line insertions are correlated with non-homologous genome rearrangements, generation of novel coding sequences, alteration of regulatory elements and are lin...
Bettas should not be kept with aggressive tank mates such asCichlidsor with fish that can nip their long fins such asDanios,TetrasorBarbs. Diet[edit] Carnivore. In the wild, diet is insects and insect larvae. As aquarium pets, their main diet should consist of specially formulated Betta pel...
Shelldweller Cichlids are best kept in species tanks, and they will breed readily. Keep in pairs.Diet[edit]Not picky eaters. They will take prepared pellets and flakes, as well as live and frozen foods.Feeding regime[edit]Feed once or twice a day.Environment specifics[edit]...
known to attack each other (common vs alligator snapper). Young may get along for awhile, but don’t plan on this being a permanent arrangement. I didn’t say it couldn’t be done, but it is NOT advised. I’d add the Big-Headed Turtle to this list, unless you want to breed ...
A relatively peaceful fish provided it's tank mates are too large to be eaten. Does well with other peaceful but robust tank mates such as largerLoaches, GiantDanios, peaceful South American Cichlids such asBlue Acarasand largerGouramis. Be sure there is nothing with it under 5.1cm (2")....
This fish is best kept in pairs or in groups. It cannot be housed with smaller fish as they will be eaten. Larger fish that mainly occupy the lower levels of the tank often do well including largePlecos, largeAmerican Cichlidsetc.