根据第三段After showing the original stimulus (e.g.four squares),the animals were shown two new pictures —— one with five and one with three squares.If they swam to the correct picture (i.e.to the five squares in the"blue" arithmetic task),they were rewarded wi...
However, your fish are in danger if they cannot remove the piece. It happens when the fish lacks the muscle capacity to dislodge the large chunk of food if it is firmly stuck in its throat. If the food particle is small,the fish can still absorb oxygen from the water, but it causes ...
Red Devil.These freshwater fish are another highly aggressive cichlid. The fish grow up to 15 inches and they like to dig. You will often notice them knock down decorations in your aquarium. When adding other fish to your aquarium with red devils, make sure they candefend themselves. Because...
"When Lake Mweru was formed it combined cichlid lineages from the Congo and the Zambezi. The cichlids from these different drainage systems then mated with each other. This could have been because when the lake formed, the water was very cloudy and they couldn't see colours properly so the ...
Spotted Tilapia can be aggressive, and should only be added to tropical tanks at the exact same time as other fish, to avoid fights over territory. They will eat fish smaller than themselves and should only be housed with similar-sized robust fish. ...
Tire track eel is a large fish, and while you may get little fry of no more than 4 inches, to begin with, they can easily grow up to 36 inches in the wild. Their growth in captivity is a minimum of10 inches less than their growth in the wildbecause of differences in lifestyle, ...
A recent study has found that fishhave much better memories than we used to think. In fact, certain kinds of fish can e-African cichlidsven remember events from as long as 12 days ago, BBC reported.In the study, researchers from MacEwan University in Canada trained a kind offish called ...
Lake Tanganyika16. The family Candonidae are exclusively freshwater globally, with diversity hotspots in LB7, Lake Ohrid17, and during the Late Miocene in Lake Pannon18,19. They number around 500 Recent species20, almost half of which live in LB and subterranean waters of Western Australia21....
A relatively peaceful dwarf cichlid (except if breeding) and can be kept with other peaceful, non-nippy, tank mates that appreciate the same water conditions such asNeon Tetras. There should only be one male to a tank to avoid any territorial behaviour. ...
i.Ropefish– look like 10 inch brown water snakes. Very timid & spend most of their time hidden inside synthetic hollow roots from the pet store; I have a pair, and my 3 turtles (stinkpot, Mississippi mud & S. painted, all young) get along with them. Need live or frozen food, so...