NLCQ6 - 已安装的β-BBO晶体,Ø1英寸,厚度3.00 mm,θ = 41.8°,Type-II SPDC,405 nm泵浦光和810 nm信号/闲频光
Increasing the correlation level of polarization entangled photon pairs generated by type-II SPDC in BBO Phase compensationPhase shiftPhoton polarizationPhotonic entanglementPolarizationWave platesEntangled photon sources introduce phase shift between polarization states. Exceeding coherence length, coincidence rate...
The generation of such high rates of correlated orthogonal twin photons from a fully guided type-II SPDC-based source has not been thoroughly investigated to the best of our knowledge. 展开 关键词: Beam splitters Periodically poled lithium niobate Quantum communications Quantum key distribution Quantum...
After experimental investigations, we concluded that this new SPDC is a third-order quasi-phase-matched Type-0 SPDC process. In Part I, we present the basics of nonlinear optics, which are relevant to our work, such as the nature of nonlinear process in Chapter 1, the principles of quasi-...
Recently, it has been suggested in theory that the reduction of polarization entanglement between the photon pair generated via the type-II SPDC process pumped by a ultrafast laser is due to the asymmetry in the joint spectrum function, which is the indicative of the frequency entanglement between...
The generation of such high rates of correlated orthogonal twin photons from a fully guided type-II SPDC-based source has not been thoroughly investigated to the best of our knowledge.Akanksha Angural and Joyee GhoshOptics letters
In this paper we theoretically and experimentally study the detailed amount of the temporal broadening of the two-photon wave packets generated via both type-I and type-II SPDC with 尾 -BaB2O4 of various lengths, by transmitting them through optical fibers. We interpret the results with respect...
Correlated pairs of photons generated in Type-II nonlinear spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) were used to develop a new approach for the measurement of time delay between two orthogonally polarized waves (linear or circular) in optical materials with femtosecond time resolution. This ...
Correlated pairs of photons generated in Type-II nonlinear spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) were used to develop a new approach for the measurement of time delay between two orthogonally polarized waves (linear or circular) in optical materials with femtosecond time resolution. This ...
In this paper we theoretically and experimentally study the detailed amount of the temporal broadening of the two-photon wave packets generated via both type-I and type-II SPDC with 尾-BaB2O4 of various lengths, by transmitting them through optical fibers. We interpret the results with respect ...