Unit stats and more for the Total War Warhammer video game
如不听,后果自行负责。 3. 插件多数设置请 ESC - 2 UI 后进行设置,学会用控制台开关一些功能。 4. 别爬楼,看常见问题(游戏内就有)(没提到的就回帖);后面出现的问题,我都整理好(大多改了的),爬楼无效的! 5. 正确客观的描述问题,最好附上图片说明(这点很重要),同时尽可能少的附带个人情绪和情感在里面...
addSpellUsableas a dependency. add aEvents.damagehandler to the module if the damage event has overkill, reduce the cooldown by 1 minute. this will sometimes be wrong (some enemies don't actually die), but it will be right way, way more than it is wrong. the handler would look somethin...
Players can now explore enhanced crafting orders, new crafting stats, and the introduction of "embellishments" which can add special effects to crafted items. General Considerations for Choosing Professions When thinking about profession combinations, consider your goals: Gatherin...
I am unable to recraft my cloth helm I made, nothing special either just want to change stats with a missive. Tried all the same steps with UI, Relogging etc. Craftbar completes but nothing happens. 2 Likes Powerschlong-illidan August 26, 2024, 9:46pm 3 Same issue with me with cl...
Check the secondary stats on the Runed Bismuth Rods you made, and if one of them have Resourcefulness on it, equip that one while leveling. You can sell the rest. If none of them have Resourcefulness, doesn't really matter which one you equip for now, just pick one. Enchanting Specializa...
遇有莫明问题,退出游戏再删除Cache、AddOns及WTF,再重新安装插件。 [*] ShestakUI官网怀旧服版本连接,没时间玩怀旧服所以这楼里不会有了。 常用的Lua文件,可按个人习惯修改并保存, 不用进游戏每个角色调试[*]ShestakUI\Config\Settings.lua --- 控制台的各种开关预设值...
Logs: some guilds will ask for logs these are basically your raid stats and confirms you killed bosses and how well you did on those bosses. These can be found on warcraftlogs (google it if you need help finding the website) its also a great tool to see how you are doing and to im...
Git stats 296 commits Files Failed to load latest commit information. Type Name Latest commit message Commit time .github/workflows api assets/images benchmark/supervised examples scripts tensorflow_similarity tests .coveragerc .flake8 .gitattributes .gitignore CONTRIBUTING.md LIC...