The west Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a region of rapid environmental changes, with regional differences in climate warming along the north–south axis of the peninsula. Along the WAP, Palmer corresponds to a warmer region with lesser sea ice extent in the north compared to Rothera ~ 400...
The Haua Fteah is situated about a kilometre from the present-day coast at the foot of the northern escarpment of the Gebel Akhdar (‘Green Mountain’), an isolated massif with desert to its west, south and east (Fig. 1). The north-facing entrance of the cave is ∼50 m wide and ...
“The Most Joyful Event of My Life”: The Story of the West Port Experiment (1844-1847) Posted in Free Church of Scotland, Locality & the Law of Residence, Parish Theory & Practice, The Gospel & the Poor, Theology of Community, Theology Proper, Thomas Chalmers, Vignettes from the Old Pa...
It starts in the North with 0° and goes over East (90°) and South (180°) to West (270°). The rotation center is the center (layer.getCenter()) of a Polygon with the LatLngs of the layer.You can enable Rotate Mode for all layers on a map like this:...
The programs THERMOCALC and Theriak-Domino used in the phase equilibrium calculations are available online (, and, respectively). References Download references ...
It starts in the North with 0° and goes over East (90°) and South (180°) to West (270°). The rotation center is the center (layer.getCenter()) of a Polygon with the LatLngs of the layer.You can enable Rotate Mode for all layers on a map like this:...
Unalaska Island, Alaska: a model for fractionation in the Aleutian calc-alkaline suite. Contrib Mineral Petrol 73:69–87 Google Scholar Other arc-related plutonic rock suites in Fig. 5 B Barker F, Arth JG, Stern TW (1986) Evolution of the Coast batholith along the Skagway traverse, ...
Despite a small expansion of the sanio culture to the north between 2007 and 2011, the cultivation of this cereal spread mainly to the west (first period) and south-east (last period). In the HDSS-Niakhar where we conducted individual surveys, sanio was grown in 27 of the 30 villages ...
NCA—Northern Calcareous Alps, PF—Periadriatic Fault System, including Balaton Fault (BA), SA—Southern Alps Front, SK—Split-Karlovac Fault, SV—Sava Suture Zone, SP—Scutari-Peç Fault, TD—Tisza–Dacia boundary fault, TK—Timok Fault, TW—Tauern Window, WV—West Vardar ophiolite front....
spring tea bar spring tea bitter spring tide westbank spring to autumn spring travel exchang spring upturned eye spring vacation spring wheat springs rhythm spring hair spring-back spring-box ei ject-pl spring-compression ty spring-supported shak spring-type straight springbarconnection springcavity ...