Study “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, a short story from the popular book ‘’The Joy Luck Club.” Read a summary of “Two Kinds” and a discussion of the...
4 Two Kinds-Amy Tan TwoKinds AmyTan Abouttheauthor 1BorninAmerica(Oakland,California)in1952ofChineseimmigrantparents.2Theclashofvaluesandsensibilities情感betweenFOBsandABCs.3struggleofwomentoattainstatusandpowerasindividualsincareersandpursuitsoftheirownchoosing/theadversaries敌手:themothers Weseetheseconflictsin...
What are the "two kinds" according to the narrator's mother in Amy Tan's "Two Kinds"? In "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, the narrator's mother, Suyuan, believes there are "two kinds" of daughters: obedient ones and those who follow their own minds. This binary view reflects her desire for...
摘要: Amy Tan is one of the most popular Chinese American writers in the world.Her story is vivid and full of Chinese taste.She has described mother-daughter relationship in Two Kinds and the story is a typical character story.It is an example for description on characters....
TwoKinds ByAnieeCocoJerryAmy Aboutauthor 谭恩梅(AmyTan),著名美籍华裔女作家,1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰,曾就读医学院,后取得语言学硕士学位。作品:《喜福会》,《灶神之妻》,《接骨师之女》,《沉默之鱼》。她的第一部长篇小说《喜福会》奠定其在文学界的声誉。《喜福会》生动的描写了母女...
In Amy Tan's "Two Kinds," the mother exerts pressure on her daughter, Jing Mei, to change in several ways. She insists Jing Mei watch Shirley Temple films as "training" and even mimics the child star's hairstyle, which fails. After dinner, her mother tests Jing Mei's abilities, hoping...
Amy Tans Two Kinds essaysFor a lot of us growing up, our mothers have been an integral part of what made us who we are. They have been the one to forgive us when no one else could. They have been the one to comfort us when the world seemed to turn to e
1、Lesson 2Two Kinds Amy TanAmy TanAmy TanvChinese American writervBorn in Oakland, California, in 1952vMasters degree in linguistics from San Jose State universityvA consultant to programs for disabled children, later a free-lance writer.Her major works Her first book The Joy Luck Club ...
two kinds 讲述的是两代人和两种文化的冲突,以四个家庭的母女的故事为主线,表现了母亲和女儿之间的既痛苦又甜蜜的关系.Amy Tan是一个很棒的故事讲述者,擅长细节和对话的描写,将故事的苦难、幽默以及快乐用引人入胜的一个个冲突来淋漓尽致地体现出来.虽然故事中两代人两种文化的冲突不断,但最终体现了母女之间深厚...
文档标签: 第2章Two Kinds Amy Tan_高级英语 系统标签: amy kinds tan daughters narrators mothers LessonTwoLessonTwoLessonTwoLessonTwoTwoKindsTwoKindsAmyTanAmyTan•I.Abouttheauthorandherworks•2.AboutTwoKinds•3.Structureofthetext•4.Detailedstudyofthetext•5.AssignmentAmyTanandherworksAmyTanis...