Literary Evaluation: Two Kinds by Amy Tan \"Two Kinds\" by Amy Tan is a very properly-written short story that showed how much a daily incident could touch the heart. Tan showed the awkward differences between mothers and daughters superbly and did it in a way that made it seem personal...
The first night I brought out a story about a three-year-old boy who knew the capitals of all the states and even the most of theEuropecountries. I asked my daughter several questions, but she knew nothing which made me very angry. I turned to disappointed face. I guessed something ...
Study “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, a short story from the popular book ‘’The Joy Luck Club.” Read a summary of “Two Kinds” and a discussion of the...
Two kinds---Amy Tan para12--20 ABriefIntroductionofTwoKinds TwoKindsisthelaststoryinthesecond sectionoftheJoyLuckClub.Theme:revealsthebittersweetrelationships beweenthemothersanddaughtersandsharpconflictbetweentwogenerationsandtwocultures Thispassagemainlyfocusesonthe relationshipbetweenSuyuanWooandherdaughterJingmei...
Amy Tan absolutely is the master which tells the story, we may discover these close buckles in her in story, also alternated the very many - mother says for daughter's small story - these stories completely is east the way " is strange and is mystical ", was the fruit nucleus (one ...
In the short story “Two Kinds” written by Amy Tan, Tan portrays a mother daughter relationship through the daughters eyes while she struggles with her mother trying to make her into prodigy. Although I was never thought to be a prodigy, I was very good at soccer, and therefor I was ...
TwoKinds AmyTan MymotherbelievedyoucouldbeanythingyouwantedtobeinAmerica.Youcouldopenarestaurant.Youcouldworkforthegovernmentandgetgoodretirement.Youcouldbuyahousewithalmostnomoneydown.Youcouldbecomerich.Youcouldbecomeinstantlyfamous. "Ofcourse,youcanbeaprodigy,too,"mymothertoldmewhenIwasnine."Youcanbebestany...
第2章Two Kinds Amy Tan_高级英语 LessonTwo TwoKinds AmyTan •I.Abouttheauthorandherworks •2.AboutTwoKinds•3.Structureofthetext•4.Detailedstudyofthetext•5.Assignment AmyTanandherworks AmyTanisoneoftheprominentChineseAmericanwritersthathaveemergedsincethe1980s.ShewasborninOakland,California,in...
文档标签: 第2章Two Kinds Amy Tan_高级英语 系统标签: amy kinds tan daughters narrators mothers LessonTwoLessonTwoLessonTwoLessonTwoTwoKindsTwoKindsAmyTanAmyTanherworksAboutTwoKindsDetailedstudy5.AssignmentAmyTanherworksAmyTanprominentChineseAmericanwritershaveemergedsince1980s.SheOakland,California,1952,two...