关于Twisted Bilayer Graphene (TGB)的哈密顿量推导,可直接参看Bistritzer和MacDonald在PNAS上的原文。更详细的推导可以参照发表在Wiley Online Library上的Handbook of Graphene Set-Vol8-chapter6。(其第八卷第六章也即里斯本大学的G.Catarina的硕士毕业论文)。总得来说在写TGB的哈密顿量时,有两个关键的点,一是...
The optical properties and Landau quantisations in twisted bilayer graphene are investigated using a generalised tight-binding model that takes into account all interlayer and intralayer atomic interactions in the Moire superlattice. The system is a zero-gap semiconductor with double-degenerate Dirac-...
Flat bands in slightly twisted bilayer graphene: Tight-binding calculations. Phys. Rev. B 82, 121407(R) (2010). 5. Bistritzer, R. & MacDonald, A. H. Moiré bands in twisted double-layer graphene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108, 12233 (2011). 6. de Gail, R., Goerbig, M. O., ...
Flat bands in slightly twisted bilayer graphene: tight-binding calculations. Phys. Rev. B 82, 121407 (2010). Article ADS Google Scholar Cao, Y. et al. Correlated insulator behaviour at half-filling in magic-angle graphene superlattices. Nature 556, 80–84 (2018). Article ADS Google Scholar...
关于Twisted Bilayer Graphene (TGB)的哈密顿量推导,主要涉及能带折叠和层间跃迁项的处理。首先,能带折叠是由于扭曲导致的Moiré图样带来的晶胞扩大,这种扩大使得能带在小的布里渊区中折叠。能带折叠可以通过在小的倒格矢上对能带进行平移来实现,对应于在不同的Bloch基底下进行对角化哈密顿量。对于层间...
The experimental control over the twist angle in twisted bilayer graphene has not been reported and its realistic structure is most likely incommensurate. In this paper, we develop a tight-binding virtual crystal approximation theory to study the electronic properties in incommensurate twisted bilayer ...
Flat bands in slightly twisted bilayer graphene: Tight-binding calculations The presence of flat bands near Fermi level has been proposed as an explanation for high transition temperature superconductors. The bands of graphite are ... E. Suarez Morell,JD Correa,P Vargas,... - 《Physical Review ...
It is well established that strain and geometry could affect the band structure of graphene monolayer dramatically. Here we study the evolution of local electronic properties of a twisted graphene bilayer induced by a strain and a high curvature, which a
应物质学院光子科学与凝聚态物理研究部刘健鹏教授邀请,北京大学宋志达教授将于3月11日来校进行题为“Molecular Pairing in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Superconductivity”的学术报告,邀请感兴趣的老师、同学参加。 日期:2024年3月11日,星期一 时间:16:00-...
Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene has recently become a thriving material platform realizing correlated electron phenomena taking place within its topological flat bands. Several numerical and analytical methods have been applied to understand the correlated phases therein, revealing some similarity with th...