写在前面 关于Twisted Bilayer Graphene(TGB)的哈密顿量推导,可直接参看Bistritzer和MacDonald在PNAS上的原文。更详细的推导可以参照发表在Wiley Online Library上的Handbook of Graphene Set-Vol8-chapter6。(其第八卷第六章也即里斯本大学的G.Catarina的硕士毕业论文)。总得来说在写TGB的哈密顿量时,有两个关键的...
Twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) provides us with a large rotational freedom to explore new physics and novel device applications, but many of its basic properties remain unresolved. Here we report the synthesis and systematic Raman study of tBLG. Chemical vapor deposition was used to synthesize ...
The computer code used for the dataset processing and strain analysis has been made publicly available at https://github.com/bediakolab/StrainFieldsInTwistedBilayerGraphene. References Balents, L., Dean, C. R., Efetov, D. K. & Young, A. F. Superconductivity and strong correlations in moiré...
Twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) has recently attracted growing interest due to its unique twist-angle-dependent electronic properties. The preparation of high-quality large-area bilayer graphene with rich rotation angles would be important for the invest
| 近日,上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院拓扑物理实验室陈宇林-陈成团队利用纳米角分辨光电子能谱(Nano-ARPES)技术,发现了超导魔角石墨烯中显著的谷间-电声子耦合效应,并且确定了相应的声子模式。相关研究成果以“Strong Electron-Phonon Coupling in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene ”(双层魔角石墨烯中的强电子-...
We study the electronic properties of twisted bilayer graphene in the tight-binding approximation. The interlayer hopping amplitude is modeled by a function which depends not only on the distance between two carbon atoms, but also on the positions of neighboring atoms as well. Using the Lanczos ...
A number of interesting physical phenomena have been discovered in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG), such as superconductivity, correlated gapped and gapless phases, etc. The gapped phases are believed to be symmetry-breaking states described by mean-field theories, whereas gapless phases...
Twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) with van Hove Singularity (VHS) has exhibited novel twist-angle-dependent chemical and physical phenomena. However, scalable production of high-quality tBLG is still in its infancy, especially lacking the angle controlled preparation methods. Here, we report a facile...
Twisted bilayer graphene has recently emerged as a platform for hosting correlated phenomena. For twist angles near ≈ 1.1°, the low-energy electronic structure of twisted bilayer graphene features isolated bands with a flat dispersion. Recent experiments have observed a variety of low-...