t-test with bootstrap estimation and the ranksum test. I am interested in obtaining the p-value for each test on multiple sets of data usingsimulate. However, I cannot obtain t-test estimates using thebootstrapprefix andttestcommand
the command ttest x y, unequal unpaired in stata calculates the t-statistic as follows t=(mean(x)-mean(y))/sqrt[((standard deviation(x))^2/nx)+(standard deviation(y))^2/ny)] Now, I believe that this may give biased results, as we do not know the true value of the population ...
Using esttab with ttest I am running attestcommand and exporting results to LaTeX usingestpostand thecommunity-contributedcommandesttab. I am testing for a difference for means (of variableheight, bychild gender) for several years and would like the years to be displayedvertically(in rows) rather ...
I think the problem here is that you are using the Stata Results window, the Stata Viewer window, and the Stata -net- command in the Stata Command window, in combinations that don't work. If you type (in the Command window) net from http://www.imperial.ac.uk/nhli/r.newson/ then ...
I found the first part of your estpost command earlier on, although I have been looking for a way to include the asterisks (level of significance) for the p-values in the output table. When I run the following command, it gives the asterisks for the p-values. estpost ttest mpg, by(...
>> Do you mean that there's no way of adding the mean values onto the >> output table using esttab? >> I tried the command you suggested 'esttab b t using ttesst.rtf, label append' >> Stata tells me: r(111); >> estimation result b not found. >> >> >> On 11 August 2011...
ttest is an r-class command and stores its reults in r(). You seem to expect for it to save results in e(), like an e-class command. The norm is that the latter kind fit models; ttest is not in this category. The two-sided p-value is stored in r(p), as indicated in help...
note that if your data are actually in two variables for pairing, make a new variable that is the difference between the two and use that for your outcome variable Rich On 2/19/13 3:18 PM, Ana wrote: > Hello, > > Does anyone know how to apply a simple ttest using svy command?
The sign reversal is necessary because Anova, in effect, reverses the coding of a 0-1 dichotomy. I find this syntax more awkward than the corresponding regression command, but it works fine. --- Richard Williams, Associate Professor OFFICE: (574)631-6668, ...