Sensitivity and specificity, as defined previously, depend on the cut-off point used to define positive and negative test results. To determine the best cut-off point shift that optimizes sensitivity and specificity, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is often used. This is a plot...
AuthorWilliam Gould, StataCorp The results thatxtreg, fereports have simply been reformulated so that the reported intercept is the average value of the fixed effects. Intuition One way of writing the fixed-effects model is yit= a + xitb + vi+ eit(1) ...
Stata statistical software (StataCorp), version 13, was used. Results Test Set Cases Nearly half of the 240 cases were from women aged 40 to 49 years (49%); the remainder were from women aged 50 to 59 years (28%), 60 to 69 years (12%), and 70 years or older (11%). Breast ...
3.Included below is the first stage regression results from one of the tests I run. As you can see the Cragg Donald and Kleibergen Paap stats both suggest that the instruments are not weak. However, the AR and SW stats suggest that the instruments, given that the Hansen J-test does not...
Stata Unique to Stata Excuse to talk about estimation topics October 24, 2018 2 / 110 Factor variables Distinguish between discrete and continuous variables Way to create "dummy-variables", interactions, and powers Works with most Stata commands October 24, 2018 3 / 110 Using factor variables ....
BTW, I assume the results you are reporting are not for the example above, since in the model estimated by ivreg2 y x2 (x1 = z1 z2) X, orthog(x2) there is only one overidentifying restriction, and so you don't have enough degrees of freedom to test the exogeneity of just x2 ...
now I wonder whether I'm doing something wrong or whether I should just not pay too much attention to the p-value. It's just that I'd like to say in my thesis that the Shapiro-Wilk test indicates normality, which I probably couldn't the way i is now. Respectively, what could be ...
Best regards Christian Btw: I tried all the same with - predict r, e - (as I ddin't exactly know which way to test for normality of the residuals) and - sfrancia r - delivering similar results. * * For searches and help try: * * http://...
> > Yes, I only included the summary first stage regression > results. Below is the complete output produced by STATA. > > > As you can see the Cragg Donald and > > Kleibergen Paap stats both suggest that the instruments are not weak. > > However, the AR and SW stats suggest that...