Stata statistical software (StataCorp), version 13, was used. Results Test Set Cases Nearly half of the 240 cases were from women aged 40 to 49 years (49%); the remainder were from women aged 50 to 59 years (28%), 60 to 69 years (12%), and 70 years or older (11%). Breast ...
The Stata Journal 4(2): 154-167. Rainey, Carlisle. 2016. “Compression and Conditional Effects: A Product Term Is Essential When Using Logistic Regression to Test for Interaction.” Political Science Research and Methods 4(3): 621-639.
Sensitivity and specificity, as defined previously, depend on the cut-off point used to define positive and negative test results. To determine the best cut-off point shift that optimizes sensitivity and specificity, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is often used. This is a plot...
The following Stata code produced many of the tables and charts included in this chapter. Because of space constraints, we have omitted various parts of the code such as data management steps and much of the analysis beyond Hurricane Katrina; we are happy to share complete .do files by reques...
From "Meredith T. Niles" <> To <> Subject st: Interpreting mediation model sobel goodman test Date Tue, 18 Oct 2011 10:41:22 -0700Hello all, I am working on running multiple and single mediation models to assess farmer climate change ...
AuthorWilliam Gould, StataCorp The results thatxtreg, fereports have simply been reformulated so that the reported intercept is the average value of the fixed effects. Intuition One way of writing the fixed-effects model is yit= a + xitb + vi+ eit(1) ...
> > goodman test in Stata with regards to the portion of total effect > that > > is mediated (5.139). Does anyone have any perspective on why this > > number is so large? Running the same test with another set of > climate