TSP G Fund Last Update: 1/10/2025 Close: $18.7777 Change: 0.03% YTD: 0.13% 1 year: 4.42% 3 years: 3.90% 5 years: 2.80% 10 years: 2.53% Since Inception: 4.2% Summary: The TSP G Fund (Government Securities Investment Fund) is a low volatility, virtually risk-free U.S. bond fund...
Updated: June 11, 2023 Get the latest TSP fund returns here. The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a tax-deferred retirement savings and investment plan for federal employees and members of the uniformed services, including the Ready Reserve. Established by Congress in the Federal Employees’ Retireme...
See also, Have My Federal Benefits Changed in 2025 5 Key Considerations as You Near FERS, CSRS Retirement Get Your Official Personnel Folder in Order to Max Out Benefits Doubling Your TSP (C Fund vs G Fund) Are you Ready for Your Federal Retirement Under FERSMore in: Fedweek Like...
Performance and risk analysis of the TSP Folio investment strategy. Updated daily with the latest Thrift Savings Plan fund prices. Compares the strategy returns and volatility against a benchmark portfolio invested in TSP stock and bond index funds.
triggered my return to the S-Fund and C-Fund. The markets then rallied, then dropped down some. Important to be aware of is that per the Stock Traders Almanac, September is the worst month every year for the markets. So September of 2023 was bad. Do I panic and jump to G-Fund?
Afterwards, they essentially reduced their L2040 investment by the $50,000 loan, then locked themselves into the G-fund’s rate of return. In other words, their asset allocation looked a lot like this: Unless the Smiths had intended for their asset allocation to look this way, taking a T...
TSP funds come in 5 different funds: specifically G, F, C, S and I funds. Let’s look at how many securities are in each fund, according to their information sheets. G Fund:G fund’s rate is calculated by the U.S. Treasury as the weighted average yield of approximately 125 U.S....
For example, the TSP G Fund interest rate has fluctuated between 0.675% and 9.625%, but the types of U.S. bonds included in the F Fund have historically had interest rates over 15%! Credit risk: a company or government's credit quality could wane, and you (as a bondholder) could ...