TSP Fund Variability- September 2, 2024 TSP Fund Returns- September 2, 2024 TSP Fund Monthly Returns- September 2, 2024 TSP Participation Rates- March 27, 2023 TSP Fund Allocation- October 12, 2022 TSP Average Account Balances- April 30, 2022 ...
Updated: June 11, 2023 Get the latest TSP fund returns here. The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a tax-deferred retirement savings and investment plan for federal employees and members of the uniformed services, including the Ready Reserve. Established by Congress in the Federal Employees’ Retireme...
TSPFundTrading.com - the leading professional financial service that is exclusively devoted to helping federal employees increase their thrift savings plan (TSP).
Most of the gains were due to investment returns since the TSP had a net inflow of about $4 billion, with $44 billion in withdrawals and loan disbursements partly offsetting $48 billion in new investments and loan repayments. The TSP finished 2023 with $845 billion on investment, an all...
Performance and risk analysis of the TSP Folio investment strategy. Updated daily with the latest Thrift Savings Plan fund prices. Compares the strategy returns and volatility against a benchmark portfolio invested in TSP stock and bond index funds.
These options cover most major indexes and have low administrative expenses and management fees. These low fees are one of the TSP plan’s most attractive features since fees eat away at your returns. Save a Percentage Instead of a Dollar Amount ...
Annualized Returns of over 13.46% Simple, once a month, changes to our allocation and TSP Fund investment percentages have achieved returns far exceeding the buy and hold method. Additionally, our program outperforms all of the other respectable TSP newsletter services at a much lower cost. ...
Taking a TSP loan can dramatically alter your investment picture. Unless you account for the impact of locking in G-fund returns on your loan balance, you risk creating a portfolio that is out of sync with your investment approach. With that said, let’s look into the second reason someone...