Bottom Line Up Front:I remain50% S-Fund, and50% C-Fund, a position I have held since June 2023. This is my personal TSP allocation- let’s talk about my view of the markets and my thought process behind my own personal TSP decisions. Note: If the graphics/images in this post to ...
The G Fund is particularly worth mentioning as it is a fund unique to the TSP. It is invested in short-term U.S. Treasuries exclusively issued to the TSP, and the payment of interestand principalis guaranteed by the U.S. Government. The very limited risk that comes with these...
where CA is the concentration of the contaminant in the air (mg/m3), IR is the respiration rate (m3/h), ET is the daily exposure frequency (h/day), EF is the annual exposure frequency (day/a), ED is the exposure duration (a), BW is body weight (kg), and AT is the average e...
Unless a TSP participant specifically selects investment funds, the full amount of their automatic enrollment percentage (currently 5%) will be deposited in thelifecycle fund(L Fund) deemed most appropriate for their age. Previously, funds were deposited into theG Fund. Lifecycle funds can be a ...