Wednesday, January 29, 2025 FundPrice%MTDYTD G Fund$18.82320.01%N/A0.37% F Fund$19.5817-0.07%N/A0.53% C Fund$95.4866-0.47%N/A2.75% S Fund$94.2429-0.26%N/A4.54% I Fund$43.29740.12%N/A3.34% L Income$27.0440-0.06%N/A1.13%
Information and returns for all TSP funds, updated daily. TSP fund performance, TSP share prices, and more.
The TSP Rollercoaster vs. the G Fund Merry-Go-Round Published:August 28, 2024 During my 37 years of being a Thrift Saving Plan (TSP) participant, I have been on many different TSP Rollercoasters,…More Retirement Account Early Withdrawal Penalties and RMDs ...
TSP Funds as of 02/14/25:G FundF FundC FundS FundI Fund Current Price: (daily % change):18.8616 (+0.01%)19.6933 (+0.32%)96.7502 (+0.02%)94.7317 (+0.13%)44.4727 (-0.13%)More Prices TSP | Thrift Savings Plan - Talk- TSP Fund Help For Federal Government Employees & Military Personnel... provides expert strategies for Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) fund trading, market analysis, and investment tips to help you grow your retirement savings.
(TSP C Fund) large cap stocks US non-SP500 index (TSP S fund) US small cap stocks TSP F fund Barclay's US aggregate bond index Options ExpirationPrice Progressions now incorporated in combined Almanacs OpEx Seasonals Trading Models S&P 500 Turn-of-the-Year ...
The S&P 500 recently hit anew 52-week high, on January 19, 2024, reaching 4842.07.A closer look reveals that the market has recently gone higher than it has been in over 20 years.The NASDAQ, primarily tech companies and smaller capitalization companies (S-Fund members) hit anew two-year ...
Fully fund a deductible IRA, rather than the Roth (but keep any Roth you have) unless you are paying little or no income tax. The reason is the money you don’t pay in taxes will compound for you over the decades. Finish funding the 401K to the max. ...