With a TSP loan, you are essentially borrowing your own money. The TSP loan rate charged will be equivalent to theG Fund rate, the Government Securities Investment Fund, the month before you requested the loan. If you complete your application for a TSP loan online and are approved, you’...
On June 13, 2023, I submitted my request to the TSP site, leaving the G-Fund, and requesting anew allocation of 50% S-Fund, and 50% C-Fund.This is my first TSP fund change since 2021 (so much for those who claim that this site advocates “day trading” your TSP). A few reasons...
I was also lucky that my grandparents seeded an investment fund for all of the grandchildren when each was born. It has been managed by a financial advisor for years, and your posts have confirmed my thoughts that I can do better. It currently has around $35,000 in it in 12 different ...