placed it in the root of Nextcloud, accessed it through a browser, and confirmed that it contained the key for X-Forwarded-For and pointed to the browser's public address.
version: "3.6" services: drive: container_name: ramaekers-stassartbe_drive volumes: - type: volume source: drive-data target: /srv/persistent hostname: nextcloud networks: - internal build: context: ./images/apache_php_forNextcloud/ depends_on: - drive_db restart: always drive_db: containe...
Documentation for push server is not a trusted proxy by Nextcloud #903 Closed 1 task nemchik approved these changes May 30, 2024 View reviewed changes View details aptalca merged commit 488ba5f into nextcloud-notify-push May 30, 2024 8 checks passed aptalca deleted the nextcloud-noti...