I’m trying to access NC via Cloudflare —https—> NPM —https—> Nextcloud I alwas get the Error 502 Bad Gateway NPM Configuration ( PHP Configuration: <VirtualHost *:80> UseCanonicalName Off ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName cloud.myurl.com ServerAlias cloud.myurl.com Doc...
Hey man, I’m dealing with the exact same issue while using cloud flare tunnels, wondering if there’s any extra steps you took? I have trusted proxies, trusted domains, overwrite cli, and overwritehost all setup, but any…
Are reverse proxies supported? Which ports are mandatory to be open in your firewall/router? Explanation of used ports Notes on Cloudflare (proxy/tunnel) How to run Nextcloud behind a Cloudflare Tunnel? How to run Nextcloud via Tailscale? How to get Nextcloud running using the ACME DNS-challen...
I disabled Cloudflare just to rule it out. No joy either desktop client or web, just TypeError: OCA\DAV\Upload\ChunkingV2Plugin::getUploadStorage(): Argument #1 ($targetPath) must be of type string, null given, called in /var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Upload/ChunkingV2Plugin.php on ...
docker run … -v /data docker volume create --name ** 以上两种指令都可以帮助你创建一个Volume,其实是在host machine上创建一个directory。 常在mac上用docker的人应该知道,和Linux不同,在mac上用docker会在mac上启动一个虚拟机运行docker,因此volume创建的directory并不在你的machine上,而是在虚拟机中。
Here are some nginx errors from my container (which I use to make oo work on my external domain). This external domain is trusted by nextcloud as I put it in config.php. Now I don’t know what to do ¯\(ツ)/ /var/log/nginx/oo.error_log ─2022/05/22 22:09:31 [in...
One consideration I must address is where you will be setting up this server. If you are setting this up in a home environment and wish for Nextcloud to be accessible outside of your LAN, you will need a static IP address (or use a Dynamic DNS service/updater) - seeCloudflare with Tra...
In Cloudflare, set up a CNAME record for the subdomaincollabora.mydomain.com. If using Caddy V2, the Caddyfile code block for Collabora will look something like: Code: collabora.mydomain.com{ encode gzip@collabora{ path /loleaflet/* # Loleaflet is the client part of LibreOffice Online path...
# See https://blog.cloudflare.com/delivering-http-2-upload-speed-improvements/ # for tuning hints client_body_buffer_size 512k; # HTTP response headers borrowed from Nextcloud `.htaccess` add_header Referrer-Policy "no-referrer" always; add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" always; add...
I am trying to get my Nextcloud (no AIO, no docker) working behind Traefik. All i am getting are SSL errors, too many redirect errors. My Domain DNS is handled by Cloudflare. My nextcloud is working fine when i use an free external IP. With a Nextcloud problem i would post the confi...