Based on your explanation, we seem to come back to the very start: I'd configured bothtrusted_proxies = array('')and the header is there (automatically added by caddy and I am sure its there), but there is still a waring "The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect". ...
Just curious – didn’t you have a post about having a domain name rather than an IP address within your trusted_proxies array with using the traefik reverse proxy? @dominique In terms of the “setup and forget it”, the best would be to probably use domain names like you are trying to...
docker run-d-p9000:9000--name portainer--restart unless-stopped-v/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock-v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer docker run … -v /data docker volume create --name ** 以上两种指令都可以帮助你创建一个Volume,其实是在host machine上创建一个directory。 常在...
/的形式,而不是一般系统中/或者\,基于这样的情况使用流解决 不多说,上代码 package com.whcczk....