Future Trunks (未来のトランクス), referred to in the series simply as Trunks, is the Saiyan and Human hybrid son of Vegeta and Bulma from the alternate future. By the time Present Trunks was born, the timeline had been altered by Future Trunks' and Cell's trips to the past. Therefore...
What are your favorite Trunks quotes, whether it was from his future self or present version? Vote up your top picks for the best Trunks quotes from the Dragon Ball series! Photo: user uploaded image 1 You're Completely Outmatched "You hate the fact that you're powerless to stop me. Tha...
It was said thatKefla was strong enough tokill Ultra Instinct Goku when they fought. Also, a lot of power scalers in the Dragon Ball Community are saying Kefla is even stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Vegito from the Future Trunks arc....
Future Trunks makes his debut in Dragon Ball Super In the alternate timeline, Future Trunks is running and hiding from a mysterious being, causing destruction all over with its ki blasts. He enters a building and meets with his mother, Future Bulma, who is working on an experiment, and is...
The following images are from the doujinshi "Golden Lucky 4" by Ronno & Kalus. The book basically revolves around Trunks and how he idolizes Goku. For now, I only have full page pics of Trunks, but in the near future, I plan on having the book's entire stories up, and hopefulyl tr...
Yes, that's it Trunks, ponder the meaning of your existance. =) Oh, The Humanity! Hmmmm, I don't think I've ever seen Trunks cringe at anything like this before. ^_^ SSJ Trunks vs. Cell From the fight when Trunks returns to the future. ...
For years, we’ve been gathering information about the most common trunk makers from years past. If we see a label on a truck or an advertisement in a magazine, we’ll put it here! You can also contribute by sending in a picture of a trunk label or something invigorating, please feel...
The submodules containing binaries are separated from the general release archives. All of the packages required to build the coreboot toolchains are also kept at coreboot.org in case the websites change, or those specific packages become unavailable in the future. All releases are available on ...
From Dragonball Z: Trunks Saga:Trunks is one of the more popular Dragonball characters. He is a time traveler, come from the future to warn the past about the deadly robots and cyborgs of Dr. Gero. His appearance sets into motion of chain of events that will culminate in the spectacular...
Future T is a 4-star ground type unit based on Future Trunks from the anime/manga Dragon Ball Z. He is only obtainable from the Hero Summon or Beginner Daily Rewards, and can evolve into Supa Future T. He can be evolved into Supa Future T using: Show/Hid