Future Trunks (未来のトランクス), referred to in the series simply as Trunks, is the Saiyan and Human hybrid son of Vegeta and Bulma from the alternate future. By the time Present Trunks was born, the timeline had been altered by Future Trunks' and Cell's trips to the past. Therefore...
Future T is a 4-star ground type unit based on Future Trunks from the anime/manga Dragon Ball Z. He is only obtainable from the Hero Summon or Beginner Daily Rewards, and can evolve into Supa Future T. He can be evolved into Supa Future T using: Show/Hid
""Future" Trunks Arc"),[1] also called the Rebellious Zamasu Saga[2] (反逆のザマス編 Hangyaku no Zamasu Hen, lit. "Rebellious Zamasu Arc), Goku Black Saga[3] (ゴクウブラック編 Gokū Burakku Hen, lit. "Goku Black Arc"), or Fused Zamasu Saga[4] is the fourth saga of the ...
The History of Trunks The History of Trunks The History of Trunks The History of Trunks The History of Trunks The History of Trunks The History of Trunks The History of Trunks Future Trunks and Future Gohan inThe History of Trunks Future Gohan confronts the Androids inThe History of Trunks ...
Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks Game Debut Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road Characteristics Race Namekian Height 226 cm (7'5") Weight 115.5 kg (255 lbs) Birth Date May 9,Age 753 Death Date(s) November 3, Age 762 ...
In the manga, Future Scratch is one of the surviving inhabitants of Future Trunks' timeline along with Future Trunks, Future Mai, and Future Zeno. Also, like Future Zeno, he ends staying in the main timeline where he lives with his counterpart....
Directory: Characters → Villains → DBZ villains → Bio-Android → Alternate Timeline This article is about Cell's counterpart in Future Trunks' timeline. For other uses, see Cell (disambiguation). Future Cell (未み来らいのセル, Mirai no Seru) is an alt
This article is about the character in Dragon Ball Xenoverse. For the character in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, see Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2). The Future Warrior (未み来らい戦せん士し, Mirai Senshi), is a custom character and main protagonist in Dragon Ba
After warming up Trunks and co. when the former made funny faces; Maki is shown to be very caring, consoling Future Mai after she becomes saddened of the fact that she couldn't rescue everyone from Goku Black's assault; she also displays concern for Trunk's well-being and cheers for him...