In the manga, after Future Trunks defeats Cell, he returns to his mother, who rushes to give him a hug. In the anime, this does not happen, but instead, the scene changes back to the present timeline with Goku playing a game with Bubbles and Gregory, destroying the house King Kai buil...
Students Future Trunks Future Shin (未来のシン Mirai no Shin), the Future East Supreme Kai (未来の東の界王神 Mirai no Higashi no Kaiōshin, lit. "Future East God of Kings of Worlds") is the alternate timeline counterpart of Shin. He is the ruler of the eastern area of both the liv...
Directory: Characters → Villains → DBZ villains → Bio-Android → Alternate Timeline Future Cell (未み来らいのセル, Mirai no Seru) is an alternate timeline counterpart of Cell from the same time as Future Trunks. Same as his alternate timeline counterp
Without any proper explanation, Goten and Trunks were paused in a time warp until their sudden growth in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Fans were left scratching their heads, asking what brought on this strange, jarring creative choice, and what exactly it set up for the future of the ...
Hang them over your seating area or wrap them around tree trunks to create a cozy ambiance. Underwater Lights One of the most striking pool lighting ideas is undoubtedly the use of underwater lights. These fixtures create a magical and serene ambiance for swimmers to enjoy, especially after ...
Piccolo's fights against the Androids are switched between timelines, in Future Trunks' timeline, Future Piccolo fights and is killed by Future Android 18, in contrast to the present timeline, where the present Piccolo, who was stronger than his future self, thanks to his fusion with Kami, fi...
(which is apparently extensive due to them being Future Trunks' partner) to hack into the Time Nest's communications during the Emperor's Return Saga so she can lure Beerus and Whis to Age 852, so they won't be present during Frieza's revenge when Frieza destroys the Earth lead Goku, ...
Future Trunks. This energy is joined by energy from his main timeline counterpart and Present Piccolo, as well as energy from GT Trunks, GT Goku, and Pan of the GT Timeline, and Trunks: Xeno providing his energy from the Time Nest in Age 852. Their energy reaches Future Trunks fight in...
This article is about the Zamasu from Universe 10 within Timeline 2. For other incarnations of Zamasu, see Zamasu (disambiguation). Future Zamasu (未み来らいのザマス, Mirai no Zamasu) is an alternate timeline counterpart of the Zamasu from Future Trunks'
Piccolo's fights against the Androids are switched between timelines, in Future Trunks' timeline, Future Piccolo fights and is killed byFuture Android 18, in contrast to the present timeline, where the presentPiccolo, who was stronger than his future self, thanks to his fusion with Kami, fights...