Reports on a budget to fight drug abuse at the local level in the United States. Information on the report 'Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) Program: 1997 Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees'; Budget intended for establishing drug courts; Cities expected to receive grants to ...
Reports that United States President Bill Clinton nominated federal judge Stephen Breyer of Boston, Massachusetts to the US Supreme Court. Breyer, 55, has support among both Democrats and Republicans, making confirmation by the Senate almost certain. Candidates who were passed over.EBSCO_Asp...
Profiles first lady Hillary Clinton. Her efforts to defend her husband, United States President Bill Clinton, over several allegations of infidelity; Hillary Clinton refusing to discuss her feelings; Her popularity; How Americans view her; Admiration for her ambition.EBSCO_AspEconomist...
Clinton strikes out.Comment on President Bill Clinton's efforts to resolve the six-month-old baseball strike. His vow to ask Congress to order binding arbitration; Apparent unwillingness of legislators to intervene in the labor dispute; Plans of Canadian teams.EBSCO_AspMacleans...
Gallup Poll Daily tracking finds Barack Obama trailing Hillary Clinton by 4 percentage points in national Democratic nomination preferences (49%-45%) and John McCain by 4 points (47%-43%) in the latest general election trial heat. [ FROM AUTHOR]EBSCO_bspGallup Poll Briefing...
Presents a radio interview conducted live on the radio show Morning Madhouse on WRCX-FM in Chicago between a Madhouse listener and President Bill Clinton. Madhouse listener's inquiry on how Clinton will celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday; Clinton's concern on how the listener got access to...
Overestimation of the cost of substance abuse benefit using inflated hospital-treatment costs; Gaps in service in the Clinton plan; Estimate of the cost of the current addiction management system.EBSCO_AspAlcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly
There's more confidence ... this money will be used to benefit her. Although the primary season is just getting under way, Hillary Clinton has already started raising money as if she's the nominee. In September, Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee created the Hillary ...
A Scourge of Wall Street Joins the Clinton Team.The article announces that Gary Gensler was appointed as chief financial officer (CFO) of the 2016 presidential campaign of Democratic politician Hillary Clinton.MattinglyPhilBrushSillaSchmidtRobert
Several lines of evidence support for a role of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) in Alzheimer disease (AD). Most genetic studies have focused on an Alu insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism in the ACE gene (DCP1) and have yielded conflicting results. We evaluated the association between 15...