The article reports that the Las Vegas Market event scheduled on August 1, 2011 at the World Market Center campus in Las Vegas, Nevada will feature former U.S. President Bill Clinton as a keynote speaker, in which his speech will tackle the globalization challenge....
Reports that the House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Labor-Management Relations is marking up a health care reform bill improving the addiction and mental health benefits contained in the health care reform plan proposed by United States President Bill Clinton. Includes the deletion of the plan...
Comments on the U.S. bombing of Iraq. Retaliation for an alleged assassination of former president George Bush; Number of civilians killed by the bombing; Benefits of the killing for President Bill Clinton.ScharperStephenB.National Catholic Reporter...
President Bill Clinton.Says President Bill Clinton has signed legislation that gives special protection to the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., one of Continental Airlines' major creditors, if Continental ever files for bankruptcy protection again.EBSCO_AspAviation Week & Space Technology...
The model provided satisfactory representation of the phase equilibrium data measured.Shalendra Clinton SubramoneyWayne Michael NelsonXavier CourtialParamespri NaidooChristophe CoqueletDominique RichonDeresh RamjugernathThe Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics...
SmithTheUniversityClintonTheUniversityBicardTheUniversityDavidTheUniversityF.TheUniversityCaseyTheUniversityLauraTheUniversityB.TheUniversitySaraTheUniversityC.TheUniversityEBSCO_AspInternational Journal of Behavioral Consultation & Therapy