Presents a transcript of United States President Bill Clinton's announcement on May 02 of a budget agreement and the subsequent news conference. Reference to Clinton being joined by congressional Democrat leaders.EBSCO_AspCongressional Quarterly Weekly Report...
For example, some vegan sites won’t mention the value of the Budwig protocol of cottage cheese and flax oil, by Johanna Budwig, who discovered omega 3’s and omega 6’s. On this site, it is often mentioned that grass fed, pastured organic meats are healthier than CAFO feed lot meat....
Mrs Clinton, surprisingly in the light of all her claimed experience, was shown up for running a less professional and nimble campaign than her untested rival. 虽然希拉里自诩有着丰富的经验,但同她缺乏考验的对手相比,她的竞选显得不够专业,有欠灵活。 22. 32kb Is a professional manufacturer of ...
On the other hand, Al Gore was fairly active during Clinton’s term, and the Nutroots have frequently accused Dick Cheney of practically usurping W’s role. Speaking myself as a dedicated Libertarian who will vote happily for Sarah Palin (yes, and the old coot, too, if I must), I don...
and television talk-show hosts who interviewed George Carpozi Jr., author of the book `Clinton Confidential: The Climb to Power.' Childhood of Clinton; Role in Anti-Vietnam War protest activities; Origin of the Clinton-Flowers affair; Arrest of Roger, the drug-trafficking brother of Clinton....
Bill Clinton Seeks to Be a Global Fix-It Man.Reports on the plan of former U.S. president Bill Clinton to launch an initiative that aims to solve some of the world's most intractable problems.EBSCO_bspWall Street Journal Eastern Edition...
Says that following two weeks of infighting at the White House, President Bill Clinton has ordered NASA to redesign the space station to reduce costs, but, according to NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin, no station contracts will be cancelled. Comments from Goldin on reining in station costs;...
Interviews Tipper Gore, wife of Vice President Al Gore on her involvement in the development of President Bill Clinton's substance abuse and mental health benefits. Assessment on the planned mental health benefits; Activism in the issue of mental illness; Need to educate the youth on the ill ...
Presents the address to the nation of President Bill Clinton on November 27, 1995 concerning the role of the United States in peacekeeping in the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina. American leadership after the Cold War; Need for American involvement in the Bosnian conflict; Peacekeeping efforts of the ...
Hillary Rodham Clinton. (cover story)Profiles First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. How she has embraced dignity during the sex scandal surrounding her husband United States President Bill Clinton; Why she chose to support the spouse who betrayed her; Her role in politics; Future plans....