Immunology CD4+ T cell mediated tumor immunity following transplantation of TRP-1 TCR gene modified hematopoietic stem cells INDIANA UNIVERSITY Christopher E. Touloukian HaSung PilImmunotherapy for cancer has held much promise as a potent modality of cancer treatment. The ability to selectively destroy...
.gRepresentative flow cytometry plots demonstrating gating strategy to quantify TCRβ+, CD4+and CD8+T cells in response to AAV-hTau transduction in E3 or E4 mice (n = 3–4).hStaining and quantification of MHC II+Iba1+cells, CD4+T cells and CD8a+cells in the hippocampus of E3 and...
13,16 Previous study has revealed that TRPV1 is functionally expressed in CD4+ T cells and promotes the activation and pro-inflammatory properties of CD4+ T cells.14 The wide distribution of TRPV1 in immune cells suggests its role in modulating inflammatory responses. However, the reported ...