The pulse scheme includes 3JHNHα dephasing of the narrower TROSY 1HN-{15N} doublet component during a delay, integrated into the regular two-dimensional TROSY-HSQC pulse scheme, and compares the obtained intensity with a reference spectrum where 3JHNHα dephasing is suppressed. The effect of ...
The pulse scheme includes (3)J(HNH alpha) dephasing of the narrower TROSY H-1(N)-{N-15) doublet component during a delay, integrated into the regular two-dimensional TROSY-HSQC pulse scheme, and compares the obtained intensity with a reference spectrum where (3)J(HNH alpha) dephasing is...
1H-15N TROSY-HSQC spectrum of Gαi1 shows extensive peak broadening and intensity loss upon binding of Ric-8A.Celestine, J. ThomasKlára, BriknarováJonathan K., HilmerNavid, MovahedBrian, BothnerJohn P., SumidaGregory G., TallStephen R., Sprang...