The pulse scheme includes 3JHNHα dephasing of the narrower TROSY 1HN-{15N} doublet component during a delay, integrated into the regular two-dimensional TROSY-HSQC pulse scheme, and compares the obtained intensity with a reference spectrum where 3JHNHα dephasing is suppressed. The effect of ...
2A, blue) half of the magnetization relaxes slowly (R2,HSLOW) and 50% relaxes fast (R2,HFAST), as is the case in the HSQC experiment. The subsequent π/2 carbon pulse creates MQ coherence without mixing the slowly and fast relaxing magnetization terms. During t1, the slowly decaying ...
in adjusting the WATERGATE element of a (1)H-(15)N TROSY-HSQC experiment, such that neither the water magnetization nor the (1)H(±) protons are inverted by its final 180° pulse, (3)JHNH± couplings can be measured directly from splittings in the (1)H dimension of the spectrum. Wi...
1H-15N TROSY-HSQC spectrum of Gαi1 shows extensive peak broadening and intensity loss upon binding of Ric-8A.Celestine, J. ThomasKlára, BriknarováJonathan K., HilmerNavid, MovahedBrian, BothnerJohn P., SumidaGregory G., TallStephen R., Sprang...
The pulse scheme includes (3)J(HNH alpha) dephasing of the narrower TROSY H-1(N)-{N-15) doublet component during a delay, integrated into the regular two-dimensional TROSY-HSQC pulse scheme, and compares the obtained intensity with a reference spectrum where (3)J(HNH alpha) dephasing is...
TROSY, Transverse Relaxation Optimized Spectroscopy, was developed more than a decade ago. Since that time, the 15N-1H HSQC-TROSY experiment has become the standard "fingerprint" correlation spectrum for proteins of high molecular weight. In addition, its implementation in protein triple resonance ...
Precision of the RDC measurements is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, S/N, achievable in the 2D TROSY-HSQC reference spectrum, and is approximately given by 30/(S/N) Hz for 15N-1H and 65/(S/N) Hz for 13C-1H. The signal-to-noise ratio of both 1H-15N and 1H-13C spectra ...
Precision of the RDC measurements is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, S/N, achievable in the 2D TROSY-HSQC reference spectrum, and is approximately given by 30/(S/N) Hz for 15 N– 1 H and 65/(S/N) Hz for 13 C– 1 H. The signal-to-noise ratio of both 1 H– 15 N ...
A recently published experiment for the measurement of 1 J HN, 1 J NC′, and 2 J HC′ coupling constants [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125 (2003) 11504] was modified to yield a double-TROSY experiment which selects 1 of the 16 multiplet components from a 15N-HSQC spectrum recorded of a ...
in adjusting the WATERGATE element of a H-1-N-15 TROSY-HSQC experiment, such that neither the water magnetization nor the 1 Ha protons are inverted by its final 180 degrees pulse, (3)J(HNH alpha) couplings can be measured directly from splittings in the H-1 dimension of the spectrum. ...