TROSY HSQCNMR assign histidine tautomer proteinBachovchin, W W
Superposition of (1H-15N) TROSY-HSQC-spectra of OcDH-His5 after titration with different substrate concentrations.Sander, H. J. SmitsTatu, MeyerAndre, MuellerNadine, van OsMatthias, StoldtDieter, WillboldLutz, SchmittManfred, K. Grieshaber
backbone torsion angle, Gly, Karplus equation, TROSY, GB3, HIV-1 Protease, protein NMRA new and convenient method, named ARTSY-J, is introduced that permits extraction of the 3JHNHα couplings in proteins from the relative intensities in a pair of 15N-1H TROSY-HSQC spectra. The pulse ...
TROSYGB3HIV-1 ProteaseProtein NMRA new and convenient method, named ARTSY-j, is introduced that permits extraction of the (3)J(HNH alpha) couplings in proteins from the relative intensities in a pair of N-15-H-1 TROSY-HSQC spectra. The pulse scheme includes (3)J(HNH alpha) dephasing ...
1H-15N TROSY-HSQC spectrum of Gαi1 shows extensive peak broadening and intensity loss upon binding of Ric-8A.Celestine, J. ThomasKlára, BriknarováJonathan K., HilmerNavid, MovahedBrian, BothnerJohn P., SumidaGregory G., TallStephen R., Sprang...
Isotopically discriminate IDIS-HSQC TROSY NMR for complex protein interaction in vitroGolovanov, A PBlankley, R TAvis, J MBermel, W
Enhance sensitivity protein multidimensional NMR expt incl HSQC SEA-TROSY by DO2A NiDOSA paramagneticChen, Y