tRF-GluCTC-0005 (hereafter referred to as tRF-GluCTC) is a cleavage fragment of tRNA-GluCTC, 24 bases in length, formed by Dicer enzyme shearing from the 5’ end of tRNA, and contains the D-loop of the dihydrouridine region (Fig.3B). We isolated exosome from the peripheral blood samp...
Exosome-derived tRNA fragments tRF-GluCTC-0005 promotes pancreatic cancer liver metastasis by activating hepatic stellate cellsEarly metastasis is the primary factor in the very poor prognosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), with liver metastasis being the most common form of distant ...
研究发现,随着年龄的增长,谷氨酰胺能神经元的线粒体中会积累一种名为Glu-5'tsRNA-CTC的小RNA,这种RNA来源于核编码的tRNAGlu。可能会干扰线粒体编码的蛋白质翻译过程,导致线粒体功能“受伤”。 而减少Glu-5'tsRNA-CTC的含量,或能保护老年大脑免受年龄相关的线粒体基质嵴结构缺陷、突触结构损伤及记忆力下降的...