Texture dimensions :2048 Textures count:Leaf textures for spring, summer and the fall ___ Polygon count : LOD 0 : ~ 2000 LOD 4 : ~ 300 ___ Number of meshes/prefabs : 15 ___ LOD information :4 LODs for each tree ___ Related keywords mobile treeVegetation...
WebCamTexture WebGLInput WheelCollider WheelFrictionCurve WheelHit WheelJoint2D WindZone WWW WWWForm YieldInstruction Interfaces Enumerations Attributes Assemblies UnityEditor Unity OtherTreeclass in UnityEngine / 継承:Component説明 Tree Creator のためのコンポーネント ...
class in UnityEngine / Inherits from:Component Description Tree Component for the tree creator. Variables dataДанные, связанныесдеревом hasSpeedTreeWindTells if there is wind data exported from SpeedTree are saved on this component. ...
The mesh is Mobile /AR-VR ready, low poly (OBJ): 10k poly's. The asset features clean topology and UV map-layout. Maps: 4k texture map 4k normal map 4k Displacement map Report this asset Intense Tree Polygonal Miniatures (not enough ratings) (27) ...
有了这几个类基本就可以自定义你想要的节点类型了。他们可以看作分为2组,1和2代表着关于节点的一些设置,3和4代表着图的设置。其中Node、NodeGraph都是继承自ScriptableObject的,所以他们创建出来都是以资源的形式储存在Unity项目中。 NodeGraph 在创建节点之前先要有一个图的窗口,用来存放节点。
动作格斗游戏《决战到底》源码 / 框架(Frameworks) / FX 制造商(FXMaker) / [纹理]([Texture]) / 其他 287张 圆环框架选择(RingFrameSelect) 动作格斗游戏《决战到底》源码 / 纹理(Textures) / 用户界面(UI) / 战斗(Fight) 287张 圆环框架正常(RingFrameNormal) 动作格斗游戏《决战到底》源码 / ...
CenterRectUsingSingleLineHeight(ref cellRect); switch (column) { case MyColumns.Icon1: // Draw custom texture GUI.DrawTexture(cellRect, s_TestIcons[GetIcon1Index(item)], ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); break; case MyColumns.Icon2: //Draw custom texture GUI.DrawTexture(cellRect, s_TestIcons[GetIcon...
This project was started because at the time there wasn't any DI frameworks for Unity, and having used DI frameworks outside of Unity (eg. Ninject) and seeing the benefits, I felt it was important to remedy that.Finally, I will just say that if you don't have experience with DI ...
Integration (optional): Huge Texture, Relief Terrain Pack; Built-in update system. Online Mapshttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/online-maps-v3-138509 Online Maps is a universal multi-platform mapping solution for your 2D, 3D, AR / VR and mobile applications and games. ...
html).Blit ** Copies source texture into bootstrap-treeview级联问题 一、引入bootstrap、bootstrap-treeview相关文件; 二、HTML代码 三、JS代码 四、效果 日落20181108002 - Unity打包之AssetBundle简单实例 /detail/287854 Unity官方文档-BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference......