【用“思维树提示”(Tree of Thoughts Prompting)解决复杂推理问题】 - 将复杂问题分解为多个简单的步骤或“思想”,这些“思想”组合起来可形成问题的解决方案。 - 每个“思想”可独立生成,允许并行探索多个解决路径...
Chain-of-thought(CoT) prompting 之前写过很多文章介绍的思维链,很多需要复杂推理的任务语言模型很难一步到位生成答案,思维链就是让语言模型逐步推理,通过依次生成多个中间步骤z1,z2,…,zn(这些中间过程称为thoughts),前面的生成结果会作为后续的模型输入,直到得到最终结果y。类似于人类做数学题,需要步步递进的解题...
基于这两点,作者设计了一种简单的思维树(Tree of Thought, ToT),使用LLM模拟人类的决策过程,以解决复杂问题。 现有的LM问题解决方式可以分为一下几种: Input-output (IO)prompting:将问题转化为输入/输出形式的prompt,如指令/few-shot示例,表示为y∼pθIO(y|x)。 Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting:引入思维...
Tree of thoughts prompting:This framework operates on the model’s ability to generate text hierarchically, with a central topic or idea leading to branching subtopics and details. This approach mirrors how a model can expand on a specific prompt by generating increasingly specific and related text,...
Using the LLM to generate multiple thought candidates at each step, either independently or sequentially conditioned on previous thoughts. Getting the LLM to evaluate the promise of different states (partial solutions) through value estimation prompts that assess progress so far. ...
To surmount these challenges, we introduce a new framework for language model inference, Tree of Thoughts (ToT), which generalizes over the popular Chain of Thought approach to prompting language models, and enables exploration over coherent units of text (thoughts) that serve as intermediate steps...
Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models 概述: 通过思维链(ToT) 允许 LM 通过考虑多个不同的推理路径和自我评估选择来决定下一个动作过程来执行深思熟虑的决策,以及在做出全局选择时展望未来或回溯 在24点游戏中,而具有思维链提示的 GPT-4 仅解决了4% 的任务,我们的方法的成功率...
Several LLM prompting strategies have been attempted, but with limited success. In this paper, we advocate for the adoption of a Tree-of-Thoughts (ToT) strategy to overcome the limitations of current approaches based on simpler prompting strategies. With a ToT strategy, we can decompose the ...
The Christmas tree is symbolic and emphatic to Nora’s feelings. When the Christmas tree is lit up and full of ornaments she is happy and has no worries, but when the Christmas tree was stripped of its lights and ornaments she is said to have walked about the house uneasily. It is also...
Chain of Thought Prompting(CoT):在中间加一些中间的过程 Self Consistency with CoT (CoT-SC):通过不同的Chain给出不同的结果,同时看最多次出现的结果是什么 Tree of Thoughts(ToT):每一步是一个树结构的方式去做一个遍历,即通过搜索得到一个更好的结果,希望模型本身有回溯和调整的能力 ...