thought_generator = self.tot_strategy_class(llm=self.llm, c=self.c) # 即 ProposePromptStrategy for _ in range(self.k): thought_text = thought_generator.next_thought(problem_description, thoughts_path, callbacks=_run_manager.get_child()) # 即论文里的 G(p,s,k) checker_inputs["thoughts"...
TOT就是让LM对输入prompt不直接输出最终结果,而是输出递进的中间结果,然后将可能的中间结果维护成树状结构,并利用LM对树上的中间结果进行打分,通过某种search方法,搜索出分数更高的叶子节点,作为最终的回复。 总体来说,靠LLM多次inference得到中间节点和对中间节点价值的估计,计算量还是太大了,inference次数随节点数量、...
Each one verbosely explains their thought process in real-time, considering the prior explanations of others and openly acknowledging mistakes. At each step, whenever possible, each expert refines and builds upon the thoughts of others, acknowledging their contributions. They continue until there is ...
Related:Thought of the day My daughter might be only 3, but she is getting used the idea of giving thanks every day since it is something we talk about as I tuck her into bed. I haven’t told her yet, but I actually write down the things she’s grateful for so I could use it ...
Except… as I was writing up the methods section, I realized that there was a problem with one of the fossils used to calibrate the minimum age of one clade. The placement of the fossil in that clade was less certain than I had originally thought. And so, with some reluctance, I decid...
Chain-of-thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language models Adv. Neural Inf. Process. Syst., 35 (2022), pp. 24824-24837 Google Scholar [38] P. Lu, L. Qiu, K.-W. Chang, Y.N. Wu, S.-C. Zhu, T. Rajpurohit, P. Clark, A. Kalyan, Dynamic Prompt Learning via Policy ...
So I thought of compiling the Qt source package on shiny new Raspberry Pi 2, which has quad-cores and 1GB of RAM so I thought it will be faster to compile directly on it, and ran the./configureandmake -j3(-j3 here is telling make command to use 3-cores to compile) with following...
FTM will dump any other elements into a note which may not be formatted the way you want. Therefore, I suggestion you use only the following fields of the defaultSourceform (not a template): Title, Author, Publisher, and/or Repository. Put all the publication elements in the Publisher fiel...
Hi, I want to pass a string(Node.Name) of a node in a treeview control. I thought I had it, but don't seem to be trying down the last little bit. So I have two questions... 1) How to brake out of a recursive function? 2) Is there and easlier to find a node in a tree...