leetcode tree相关题目小结 所使用的方法不外乎递归,DFS,BFS。 1. 题100 Same Tree Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are the same or not. Two binary trees are considered the same if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value Example 1: Input:...
leetcode之same-tree(判断两个二叉树是否相等) leetcode之same-tree(判断两个二叉树是否相等) 题目 Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are equal or not. Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes ha......
Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are the same or not. Two binary trees are considered the same if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value. Example 1: Input:1 1 / \ / \ 2 3 2 3 [1,2,3], [1,2,3] Output:true Example 2: In...
Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are equal or not. Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value. 有了上一道题的基础,这道题就很简单了,具体程序(0ms)如下: 1/**2* Definition for a binary tree node.3...
在LeetCode 100. Same Tree问题中,如何通过DFS比较两棵树的节点值? 1. 问题描述 Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are the same or not. Two binary trees are considered the same if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value. 翻译过来就是,给定两...
Leetcode: Same Tree Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are equal or not. Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value. 1. 2. 3. 1 public boolean isSameTree(TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {...
Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are the same or not. Two binary trees are considered the same if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value. Example 1: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Input:11/\/\2323[1,2,3],[1,2,3]Output:true ...
LeetCode OJ 100. Same TreeGiven two binary trees, write a function to check if they are equal or not. Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value. 很简单,直接上代码: 1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * ...
leetcode 100 Same Tree Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are the same or not. Two binary trees are considered the same if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value. Example 1:...
Given the roots of two binary trees p and q, write a function to check if they are the same or not. Two binary trees are considered the same if they are structurally identical, and the nodes have the same value. Example 1: ...