The Trauma Assessment for Young Children had good convergent validity with the PTSD subscales (intrusiveness, avoidance, arousal, and total PTSD) with the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young...
Confirmatory factor analysis testing of the construction of the TSCYC indicated significant loadings on the original scales. Conclusion: The Swedish version of TSCYC appears to be a screening instrument with satisfactory psychometric qualities for identifying symptoms after trauma in young children. The ...
The literature on trauma-informed care practices (TIC) indicates that this framework is beneficial for young people, carers, and staff. However, a significant gap in the literature and practice is the absence of psychometrically sound scales to measure carer adherence to TIC principles. Emerging ev...
Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Swedish version of Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC). Method: The study was composed of a total of 629 children—296 girls and 333 boys—aged 3–11, from a non-clinical populatio
Research Council. The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; preparation, review or approval of the article; for publication. The authors did not receive financial support from any organisation for the submitted...
If one of the subscales meets the above conditions, it is considered a person with moderate or severe childhood trauma. Questionnaire measurement of self-control The Dual-Mode of Self-Control Scale (DMSC-S) consists of 21 items intended to measure a participant’s "good control" (problem ...
but few have been designed for specific ages which may limit the ability to study child development. Furthermore, few measures are designed for very young or preschool age children, which is a major limitation, given that early identification and intervention is essential for the prevention of neg...
A similar pattern of results was identified for health, risky and/or criminal behavior, financial and educational functioning, and social functioning scales (Table 3 and Figure). Childhood trauma was associated with all outcomes in models adjusted for sex and race/ethnicity and also models adjusting...
On scales potentially ranging from 0 to 60, participants endorsed a mean score of 40.59 (SD = 27.15) on the Discussion The current study reveals high rates of sexual victimization of girls and women, with 36 % of the sample reporting CSA at or before age 13, and 32 % reporting sexual ...