Journal of Child & Adolescent TraumaWondi, Y., Zemene, W., Reschke, K. & Schroder, H. (2012): The Psychomet- ric Properties of the Amharic Version of the Children's Impact of Trau- matic Events Scale-Revised: a Study on Child Sexual Abuse Survivors in Ethiopia. Journal of Child &...
Adverse life events (e.g., severe accidents, violence/abuse, organic disorders) can elicit traumatic responses characterized by intrusive thoughts, hyperarousal, and avoidance—highlighting the need for sound assessment tools. Also, these traumatic compo
Definition The Impact of Event Scale is a 15-item, four-point, self-report measurement developed to assess the subjective distress resulting from exposure to major life events. Description The Impact of Event Scale has been used widely in different populations and with a variety of traumas, in...
Screening and diagnosis of PTSD symptoms is crucial in trauma-related research and practice. The 13-item Children's Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES) has been demonstrated to be a valid and reliable tool to achieve this goal. This study was designed to examine the psychometric properties ...
state, and the difficulty differentiating between the symptomology of dissociative disorders and schizophrenia, this study examined the relation between mental representations that might be indicative of the subjective experience of racism and dissociative experiences as evidence of a trauma-related response....
(b) individual and contextual factors thought to mediate the impact of other forms of trauma, such as combat and rape, also appeared to mediate the impact of childhood sexual abuse (i.e., severity of the sexual abuse and the child's attributional style regarding the causes of positive and ...
Psychometric properties of the cumulative trauma scale: Evaluation of the reliability and validity in a Turkish sample. A thesis submitted to graduate school of social science: Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Google Scholar Goral, A., Lahad, M., & Aharonson-Daniel, L. (2017). ...
(2007). The Impact o Event Scale: Revised. In J.P. Wilson, & C.S. Tang (Eds.), Cross-cultural assessment of psychological trauma and PTSD (pp. 219-238). New York: Springer. Impact of Event Scale – Revised INSTRUCTIONS: Below is a list o di fculties people sometimes have a ...
The architectural design of hospitals worldwide is centred around individual departments, which require the movement of patients between wards. However, patients do not always take the simplest route from admission to discharge, but can experience convol
A randomized controlled trial was conducted, in which 60 female participants diagnosed with grade II knee OA, with a mean age of 57.27 ± 7.81 years and knee pain rated between 4 and 7 on the visual analog scale (VAS), were assigned to either the knee strengthening exercise group (...