上采样和反卷积 Up-sampling and Transposed Convolution (Deconvolution),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
transposed convolution是一个更好的名字,sub-pixel or fractional convolution可以看成是transposed convolution的一个特例。对一个常规的卷积层而言,前向传播时是convolution,将input feature map映射为output feature map,反向传播时则是transposed convolution,根据output feature map的梯度计算出input feature map的梯度,梯...
Transposed Convolutions are the backbone of the modern segmentation and super-resolution algorithms. They provide the best and most generalized upsampling of abstract representations. In this post, we explored the various upsampling techniques used and then tried to dig deeper into the intuitive understa...
It is always possible to emulate transposed convolution with direct convolution using the same kernel, given the padding of the input, kernel size, and number of strides of the convolution. For this, we need to manipulate the output of the convolution (it is also the input for transposed conv...