(sy-subrc<>0).READ TABLEmt_logWITH KEYis_important=abap_trueTRANSPORTINGNOFIELDS. rv_boolean=boolc(sy-subrcISINITIAL).READ TABLElt_t100uTRANSPORTINGNOFIELDSWITH KEYarbgb=lv_msg_id msgnr=<ls_t100_text>-msgnrBINARYSEARCH.CHECKsy-subrc=0."if original message doesn't exist no translations ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development By using "Transporting No Fields" in read stmt u can check whether the record is present in the intenal table or not but u r not going to copy the content of the matched record into header line. So that u can save the processing time. Reply anver...
How to use transporting no fields addition in select statement Go to solution Former Member 2007 Dec 18 6:45 AM 0 Kudos 30,502 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity I just want to check whether a record exists in a table with a given key, is it possible with transporting ...
All system setting changes are put in project-specific change requests. You can transport the system settings into other SAP Systems with the change requests. The change requests are managed in the Transport Organizer. There are two types of Customizing change requests: Customizing request Customizin...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development There seems to be no way to MODIFY a DB table from an internal table TRANSPORTING only certain fields. It seems a pity to loop through the internal table and do thousands of MODIFY commands. Or, as show below, loop through the itab and load from the...
SAP NetWeaver User Interface Services Configuration and Operations Activating OData Services SAP Web Dispatcher Configuration Reference Server Runtime for SAP NetWeaver User Interface Services Content Administration Suite Page Builder Prerequisites Configuring Login Scree...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Alvaro, Isn't modifying field symbol equal to modifying tables record that has been assigned to this FS? In my opinion no MODIFY statement is needed in this example FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_table_temp> LIKE LINE OF i_table_temp. LOOP AT i_table_temp ASSIGNI...
Server Runtime for SAP NetWeaver User Interface Services Content Administration Suite Page Builder Prerequisites Configuring Login Screen for Suite Page Builder and Suite Page Builder Admin Page User Personas and Roles for Administrators and End Users Suite Page Builder Adm...