(sy-subrc<>0).READ TABLEmt_logWITH KEYis_important=abap_trueTRANSPORTINGNOFIELDS. rv_boolean=boolc(sy-subrcISINITIAL).READ TABLElt_t100uTRANSPORTINGNOFIELDSWITH KEYarbgb=lv_msg_id msgnr=<ls_t100_text>-msgnrBINARYSEARCH.CHECKsy-subrc=0."if original message doesn't exist no translations ...
transporting no-fields. but I get an error because when you use the transporting no-fields sentence you must write it without "INTO wa_itab". You have 2 options: READ TABLE itab WITH KEY matnr = matnr TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. OR READ TABLE itab TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY matnr ...
How to use transporting no fields addition in select statement Go to solution Former Member 2007 Dec 18 6:45 AM 0 Kudos 30,502 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity I just want to check whether a record exists in a table with a given key, is it possible with transporting ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development There seems to be no way to MODIFY a DB table from an internal table TRANSPORTING only certain fields. It seems a pity to loop through the internal table and do thousands of MODIFY commands. Or, as show below, loop through the itab and load from the...
In this way you can use the other field in the work area at runtime and also simultaneously improve the performance... You can find the difference when you are going to particularly use ITAB os structure MARA where where have more than 100 fields and you need to modify only field in th...