Warning: Undefined variable $prev in /customers/b/9/9/trailsap.com/httpd.www/abap-statements/index.php on line 62 READ TABLE -transport_options Short Reference • COMPARING READ TABLE itab • ALL FIELDS READ TABLE itab • NO FIELDS READ TABLE itab • TRANSPORTING READ TABLE itab A...
READ TABLErt_listTRANSPORTINGNOFIELDS WITH KEYkind='E'. mv_success=boolc(sy-subrc<>0).READ TABLEmt_logWITH KEYis_important=abap_trueTRANSPORTINGNOFIELDS. rv_boolean=boolc(sy-subrcISINITIAL).READ TABLElt_t100uTRANSPORTINGNOFIELDSWITH KEYarbgb=lv_msg_id msgnr=<ls_t100_text>-msgnrBINARYSEARCH...
The addition REFERENCE INTO creates a reference to the found line in a reference table. This addition is possibly only if an existing internal table is specified for itab. The addition TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS specifies that only the relevant system fields are filled. This addition can be used ...
TheREADstatement uses aWHILEloop to read all rows of the tablesflight_tabone after the other using the primary table index in the work areasflight_wa. Only fields that are also in the output are transported. TheCOMPARINGaddition is used to select all flights in which no seats have yet been...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi If the addition TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS is used, the statement READ TABLE only checks whether the line that is being searched for exists, and fills the system field sy-subrc and sy-tabix. The system can then no longer access the content of the found ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Jepoy, Loop has to be used for reading the values of internal table IT_LEAVE. Use parallel cursor technique to improve the performance. Modifications are done in your coding and are highlighted. SELECT PERNR PERSK BEGDA INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE ...
ABAP 740 has many new features. This new feature Table Expressions are also powerful and reduce the “code clutter”. There are two type of them: For Reading the data– These are known asReader Positions. This would do the same job as you do with the READ statement, but without using ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis So, you want sort of LOOP AT A WHERE fields match B. Sort table B by the comparison fields. Find the first matching field in B, using the dynamic version of READ ... TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. Store the sy-tabix of the found record. Then ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi again, 1. ur last statment is not clear 2. using READ_TEXT we will not get a single line text. 3. The parameter in this FM LINES is/should be an internal table. 4. All the data which has been entered (possible in more than one lines) will...
The addition REFERENCE INTO creates a reference to the found row in a reference table. This addition is possibly only if an existing internal table is specified for itab. The addition TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS specifies that only the relevant system fields are filled. This addition can be used ...