_moveit_motion_planning_display/robot_interaction_interactive_marker_topic/feedback /rviz_moveit_motion_planning_display/robot_interaction_interactive_marker_topic/update /rviz_moveit_motion_planning_display/robot_interaction_interactive_marker_topic/update_full /tf /tf_static /trajectory_execution_event...
trajectory_execution_manager_类型是TrajectoryExecutionManager,内中有个成员controller_manager_,存储着当前正使用的控制器插件。 const std::string response = "Cannot execute trajectory since ~allow_trajectory_execution was set to false"; action_res.error_code.val = moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::...
In which, a guidance system is designed to provide the desired trajectory with an exogenous input while a control system is designed to guarantee uniform ultimately bounded tracking error and to ensure no Zeno behavior of execution times. The proposed approach reduces the amount of computation and ...
Firepower deployment: • Malware events and indications of compromise (IOCs) imported from your AMP for Endpoints deployment do not contain contextual connection information, but they do include information obtained at download or execution time, such as file path, invoking cl...
State Trajectory refers to constraints that must be satisfied during the execution of a plan in the context of temporal control knowledge and temporally extended goals in computer science. These constraints are decomposed into plan happenings and feature all levels of the PDDL hierarchy. ...
Event Overview LabelsEntry Type ExactMatchInput ExactMatchInstance ExactMatchMetricValue ExactMatchResults ExactMatchSpec Examples Overview ExampleGcsSource Overview DataFormat ExamplesOverride Overview DataFormat ExamplesRestrictionsNamespace Execution Overview LabelsEntry State ExplainReques...
joint_b ros.motoman_driver: Changing first trajectory point from: -0.709067 to -0.709067 for joint: joint_t ros.moveit_simple_controller_manager.SimpleControllerManager: Controller arm_controller successfully finished ros.moveit_ros_planning.trajectory_execution_manager: Completed trajectory execution with...
Based on execution frequency, the proposed algorithm can conserve 98.3%of resources compared to the traditional algorithm and 97.5%of resources compared to the event-triggered algorithm. 展开 关键词: Stratospheric airship Trajectory tracking Self-triggered control Fuzzy logic systems ...
The multi-agent-based architecture of the platform allows autonomous execution of personalized behaviors towards patients and isolated management of personal data. Figure 1 shows the EREBOTS platform [6] comprises four main components: Database management, Communication Server, Multi-Agent System back-...
In addition, instructions can be executed in relation to an event within a motion profile. In one example, an instruction can be executed once a particular parameter is met, such as an acceleration value. A more detailed treatment of the creation and execution of motion instructions is presented...