traffic light systemIn a context of increasing health problems related to bad dietary habits in developing countries, simplified nutritional label formats may be a promising policy alternative. The aim of this study is to assess whether the multiple traffic light (MTL) system can improve the ...
finds that while most people check front-of-pack (FOP) labels and recognise their importance, the 'traffic light' system used by many retailers is ambiguous to consumers, who also suffer from 'information overload' and a lack of contextual knowledge. ...
欧盟拒绝了英国的争议““交通信号灯”的营养标签计划,引用了一个自相矛盾的例子,在该例子中,健怡可乐比特级初榨橄榄油的标签更有利。 欧盟委员会已对英国政府提起侵权诉讼,英国政府有两个月的时间来回应指控。 这些指控侵犯了欧盟关于货物自由流通的核心原则; 也就是说,政府非法干预消费者的选择。 这款“交通灯...
Traffic-light labelling on packaged foods has been proposed as a public health intervention to improve the dietary intakes of consumers. Objective: To model the potential impact of avoiding foods with red traffic lights on the label on the energy, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar int...
Food labels should feature mandatory nutritional information and guideline daily amounts, according to draft EU legislation adopted by the European Parliament recently. However, MEPs rejected a proposal for 'traffic light' values to highlight the salt, sugar and fat content of processed foods. 年份...
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of a nutritional traffic-light label, the Nutri-Score, on snack choices in mother-child dyads and to assess a potential hedonic cost associated with a change in favour of healthier choices. French mothers and children (n = 95; children'...
ready-to-serve meals. The participants were shown this information either in the form of currently used nutrition labels with grams and percentages per portion, or in the form of traffic light labels. Then participants had to indicate how much they were willing to pay for a particular product....
512 data points for 66 Russian federal regions at different years during 2004–2011 with non-outliers are included. Non-outliers are defined as GRP per capita <226 1000 RUB, CFR at 0.04–0.25, and number of private cars at 53–326 per 1000 persons. Labels for data points: 1 Adygey ...
In this context, the aim of the present work was to compare the efficacy of a series of nutritional warnings that are being considered by Brazilian national authorities for the country with two of the most studied schemes: the guidelines daily amounts (GDA) and the traffic light system. Two...
Traffic light food labelFront of PackNutrition labelFood labeling systemNutritional contentBackground The method of displaying nutrition information labels on the front of food packaging (FOP: Front of Pack) has been implemented worldwide to prevent lifestyle-related diseases. This study aimed to ...